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Team Illinois Athletes Win Gold at 202(1) Reimagined Games

Ten Athletes Win Eighteen Gold Medals in Seven Different Sports

Transplant Life Illinois was represented by ten athletes and numerous supporters who showed up virtually to participate in the reimagined 2020 Transplant Games, held in communities across the country in July 2021. Team Illinois competitors included seven solid organ transplant recipients, one tissue recipient, and two living donors. Each received a gold medal in their events.

Below are the names of the competitors and the events in which they participated.

Susan English, liver recipient, 5k run, swimming, team trivia

Monica Fox, kidney recipient, Texas hold ‘em, TxTok

David Janossy, kidney recipient, team trivia

Colette Jordan, liver recipient, Texas hold ‘em, team trivia

John Kachanuk, tissue recipient, 5k run

Emil Lumperdean, 5k, cycling, swimming, Texas hold ‘em, track

Ramiro Martinez, heart recipient, swimming

Ross Owens, liver recipient, team trivia

Isa Rodriguez, living liver donor, team trivia

Alice Siete-Nevel, living kidney donor, TxTok

Congratulations, Team Illinois!


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